
The Story

◾ Market your business online to get the same results as your offline marketing

◾ Build an influential stance on social, and GROW your audience of buyers who are willing to introduce you to others just like them 

◾ Repurpose content to use so that you're not spending hours generating interest in the community or with the list of leads that you bought from the vendors. 

The Problem 

Transition your life insurance business online and compress time and effort between introduction and application repeatedly with less overhead.  

What if you could do all of the above and more from the comfort of your home for only 3-5 hours a day 3 days a week? What if you could affect change on a larger scale and help more people in less time? What if this shift in your life insurance business actually increased your policy persistency percentage, monthly revenue, and the amount of tiem you get to enjoy with your family and friends. 

Would you want to know more?

The Solution

The easy solution for this is to integrate the power of virtual tools and strategies + social media that will will work for you 24/7 attracting new leads, prequalifying them to ensure you are a good fit for each others, and preparing them to complete the application BEFORE the appointment. 

Another huge benefit of being a virtual agent is being able to monetize the quote seekers and tire kickers. When prospects aren't quite serious and ready to invest into a financial solution you can't facilitate the purchase of insurance so we don't get paid for any of the time or energy spent.

We are service providers so educating is in our bloodline but being able to educate and direct these prospects to where they can get more information to help them move down the path of purchase until they are ready is a great use of both you and their time and resources. 

Now you can spend more time with leads ready to commit and the prospect who is not ready yet doesn't have to feel pressured. 

This is also a great way to provide a quick 10 minute quote to the price shoppers without you having to feel like a data entry clerk or paying someone else on your team to create the quote and them sped hours and months chasing the lead trying to get them to complete the application. 

Let the quote seek complete a 10 minute quote and be able to get same day coverage no matter their health situation. They get coverage and you get paid . 

We teach, help implement, and provide all the resources needed inside of the FMCIS Agency and more.

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