Financial Resources I Use Daily

The Story

We started on social media to connect with friends and family and also to be nosey about what others are getting into.

Some of us like drama and eye candy. Then we all got really heavy into the inspiration and motivation. All of a sudden ads became very popular and everyone was doing and we saw how easy it was to buy some of anything and we would click the link and get people free item just for giving them our email address. It was all new and interesting.

Somewhere along the social media journey we decided to put out business online in order to get clients. We figured other people are doing it so we should be able to do it as well.

The Problem

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The Solution

The thing about it is that when we decided to attract clients online we needed to change the way move around online. We had to start talking about our business, clean up our head shot, create a small graphic.

We needed graphics:
That talks about what we do and had our content information on it
That new visitors would see as the scrolled down our timeline and would make them want to reach out or at least consider us professional and qualified to help them
To put on our stories,
To mark ourselves in fb groups
To send people when they reach out to us via dm
To give our brand ambassadors when we ask them to share our content on their page
We needed a log
We needed pretty pictures
If you have ever thought about being a speaker, doing a webinar, creating digital products for passive income, or becoming an authour then you are going to need slides and a speaker ones sheet, create the ebooks and workbooks, the book covers
And more

The Story

My secret weapon to getting all of this done is one simple software - CANVA. - Your secret weapon . We talked about Canva during our training this week and how you will need it to create the graphic and headshot

Click the link below to get this week’s FLASH SALE
Get The Canva Mini Course for only $19

Secret weapon to getting clients online
Become a stand out agent & Separate yourself from other agents
Attract more clients
Close more appointments
Get more referrals

The Story

What’s Included In this course:

Canva Webinar REPLAY - VIDEO
20 page workbook Editable Workbook So you dont have to print
15 Done For Your Graphics

Learn how to use CANVA for:
Professional Graphic
Profile Graphics
Profile cover / FB / Business Page/ LinkedIn
Digital products for passive income
Social media post to become stand out agent
Free vs/ paid CANVA options
Brand kit
E-books GIF's

We will also review these step by step processes:

Complete software walkthrough
Different types of content you can create and will see exactly how to create
Clever uses of the search feature
How I use these content pieces and the application as a whole in my life insurance business to create multiple streams of income, consistent clients, and to differentiate myself as a standout agent.
General tips for content creation and use
Personal branding tips
How you can create your own digital product with guidance and help for strategy and sales
How you can have a personalized brand-specific digital product created for you so all you have to do is post and begin making sleep coin.

The Problem

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The Solution

 Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sed minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation.

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